
Film screening / Architecture 27 Storeys – Alterlaa Forever

Wat ass Architektur? – Cinémarchitecture
© 27 Storeys

27 floors, 10,000 residents: The world-famous residential park Alterlaa in Vienna is considered an iconic monument of social utopia. In 27 Storeys, director Bianca Gleissinger goes back to the place of her childhood, traces the young and old residents of this biotope with a great deal of humor and self-irony, and puts the architect’s former promise of happiness to the test.

27 STOREYS — ALTERLAA FOREVER — Trailer German |
Wat ass Architektur?

Wat ass Architektur? has been initiated to raise questions on various topics related to architecture, while presenting their relevance in a national and international context. At every Wat ass Architektur? evening you can expect a movie preceded and followed by unreleased film footage by WAA, highlighting the link between the projected film and Luxembourg.

Next dates

Wed 31.01.24 >19:00
WTC: A Love Story

Wed 27.03.24 >19:00
Kitchen Stories