
Market Jingle Mingle

Prints, Illustrations, Objects, Design & More
© Gilles Kayser

The Jingle Mingle X‑Mas Market by Augenschmaus is the place to be to find a unique gift for under the tree this year! To surprise your loved ones, we’ve put together a selection of creations and artisanal products, all skilfully crafted by local artists, designers and producers. 

If you love strolling through seasonal markets during Christmas time, then the Jingle Mingle X‑Mas Market is a must-visit this winter! Get ready to immerse yourself in the magic of the holiday season and enjoy a friendly time with us. As always, there will be great music with a DJ set, a food-truck rolling in daily, serving up tasty snacks, and drinks to keep you warm!

Find out about the artists and exhibitors on augen​schmaus​.lu