From 16 years old

Workshop Edit-a-thon: Make Wikipedia more feminist and more queer

© Voix de Femmes

Wikipedia is not a neutral, non-biased space. In 2011 a Wikimedia Foundation study found that less than 10 % of contributors identified as women. Several studies have also shown that Wikipedia is sexist and heteronormative, with women, sexual minorities and gender minorities hardly present in its articles, or misrepresented in them. That’s why edit-a-thons (a portmanteau of edit” and marathon”) are held worldwide. These interactive workshops aim to address gender inequalities by rewriting Wikipedia articles and provide access to cyberspace and the technological community to people who are often excluded from it.

In this hands-on workshop, participants will learn how to make Wikipedia more feminist and queer. After a short introduction, they will work on concrete initiatives and campaigns that have taken/​take place in Luxembourg: Women’s Strike, LGBTIQ+ Pride, Si je veux… Participants will have the opportunity to do research, discover how Wikipedia works, and complete and create articles on queer and feminist initiatives in Luxembourg. If we don’t write our history, who will?

recherche et encadrement: CID | Fraen an Gender (Joëlle Schwinnen), Pink Ladies − Queer Women Luxembourg (Enrica Pianaro) / encadrement technique : Rotondes, Art+Feminism (Rosa Paardenkooper) / soutien : Centre LGBTIQ+ CIGALE a.s.b.l.