
Get-together & Exhibition / Photography Street Photography Exhibition & Open Wall

© photo 1: Matt Stuart / photo 2: Julie Hrudova / photo 3: Jean-Christophe Béchet

Like in previous years, this large-scale exhibition will feature a significant number of high-quality pictures. It will showcase the work of some well-known Luxemburgish photographers as well as a selected few international ones.

The Luxembourg Street Photography Festival is also very proud to announce its collaboration with the Lycée des Arts & Métiers who will present the works of one of their photography classes.

With works by members of the Luxembourg Street Photography collective and guest photographers: 

Anouk Flesch, Martine Pinnel, Christophe Olinger, Reza Kianpour, Lex Kleren, Christof Weber, Moritz Klein, Raoul Ries, Bruno Oliveira, Marc Erpelding, Viktor Wittal, Patrick Hoffmann, Eric Engel, Liz Lambert, Paulo Lobo, Gilles Kayser, Sven Becker, José Lopes Amaral, Dirk Mevis, Massica Bentahar, Véronique Fixmer

and Fragment Photo Collective

and students from the Lycée des Arts & Métiers (1TPTI and 2TPTI, under the supervision of Mr Joseph Tomassini)

org.: Street Photography Luxembourg a.s.b.l. in collaboration with Rotondes