Rotondes, in collaboration with director Andrea Buzzetti (La Baracca ONLUS company from Bologna) and in coproduction with Kulturhaus Niederanven (other partnerships pending), is looking for 3 local or regional performers for a new theatrical and musical creation aimed at a young audience (3+).

Artists call / Performing Arts
Presentation of the project
As part of its programming, Rotondes is looking for
2 actors / dancers and 1 musician
Professional, confirmed or emerging artists, from various backgrounds, with an affinity for artistic research and improvisation, movement and working with objects. The play will be aimed at young audiences aged 3 and over (families and schools) and will be without words. The production is intended to be light from a scenic point of view and is planned to tour. The play will be ‘without words’.
Working methodology
Interested artists are invited to submit their application (artistic CV & cover letter). A pre-selection will be done by Rotondes and those artists will be invited to participate in the artistic workshop led by director Andrea Buzzetti at Rotondes.
The workshop and all the creative work will be conducted in English (it will be possible to express oneself in French). Pre-selected candidates must attend the full 2‑day workshop. No prior preparation (text, variation, etc.) is required. The workshop will be based mainly on guided improvisation and experimentation on the theme of the play.
After the workshop, the final selection of the 3 performers will be done by Andrea Buzzetti and Rotondes.
The production will be created through several residencies and rehearsals.
- Three stages of work will be accompanied by the director.
- Two other stages will take place solely between the performers, without the presence of Andrea Buzzetti. For these two periods, the director will pass on research ideas and subjects to the performers, who will be expected to be autonomous and to come up with their own ideas to move the project forward.
Key dates
The application period is now closed (24.07.24 at 12:00 pm).
16.09 – 17.09.24
Arrival: 10:00
Workshop: 10:30 – 13:00 + 14:00 – 17:00
>18.02 – 22.02.25
>A week of independent work (dates set together with the artists)
>16.06 – 20.06.25
>A week of independent work (dates set together with the artists)
>05.11 – 12.11.25 (09 + 10.11 off): final rehearsals
>13.11 – 19.11.25: Rotondes (17.11 off)
>20.11 – 24.11.25: Kulturhaus Niederanven (22.11 off)
>10 days mid-February/mid-March 2026 (dates pending)
Other tour dates might be added to these ones.
- Be over the age of 18 years
- Local artists (from Luxembourg and/or based in Luxembourg) or regional artists (Grande Région, within daily commuting distance)
- Professional artists, confirmed and/or emerging
- A strong affinity for artistic work with young audiences
- For musicians: an affinity for working in a team led by a director/choreographer and previous experience of stage creation (theatre, dance, etc.)
- Participation in the entire selection workshop (2 full days)
- You must be available for all rehearsal periods and all performance dates
scheduled to date (see schedule above). - Willingness and availability to commit to a longer-term project (tour dates to be considered following the Première in autumn 2025).
- No compensation expected for the workshop
- No transportation costs will be supported by Rotondes for the workshop, the residencies and the performances in Luxembourg
- Artistic CV
- Cover letter
Submission of applications deadline: 24.07.24 at 12:00 pm
Please indicate ‘Application Workshop Andrea Buzzetti’ in the subject line of the email.
Applications should be sent to the following address: email hidden; JavaScript is required.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Lucie Schroeder: email hidden; JavaScript is required.